The most convincing service for demanding customers – Arvomeklarit Oy

Insurances are not always perfect, and insurance companies also strive for profits. That is why Arvomeklarit serves as an impartial actor in the market and always sides with its customers.

When planning insurance solutions, we know through experience that the centre stage is occupied by safety and efficient planning, as well as the optimisation of time and costs.

Although no one can predict the future of your business, Arvomeklarit can at least help you secure it.

satisfied customers
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Savings guarantee
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million euros saved
years of experience
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Insurance management

Why place your insurance in our hands?

The primary purpose of our service is to save our customers time and costs.

Insurance tendering

Do you know what your insurance costs are really based on? We tender out the solutions you need with more than 100 years of experience and professionalism. We are familiar with the legislation in this field, and have a working knowledge of all types of statutory and voluntary insurance.

Legal services

Our office legal department has long-term practical experience of insurance law, managing insurance affairs and legal theory concerning corporate remunerations.

Risk management services

Do you feel that your skills or time are not enough for practical risk management? Not to worry! Arvomeklarit can also help with this.

For example, audits and training related to work safety

Let's make sure your insurance is in order

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Our skilled professionals are ready to serve you

Jari Salmi

COB, Partner | Broker, UIC (YVTS)

Minulla on yli 25:n vuoden kokemus alalta ja vahvuuksiini kuuluvat yritysjohdon ja henkilöstön, sekä kaikenkokoisten yritysten – niin listaamattomien kuin listattujenkin – riskien hallinta ja vakuuttaminen. Olen myös kokenut hallitusammattilainen.